關於 / About Us
A建築設計有限公司,是繼承前香港建築師學會會長Jon Prescott 成立及發展的「構思設計集團」 的工作,並於一九九五年,易名為「新構思」。再於二零一二年,由現在董事,張巧娟(Mimi Cheung)建築師, 改組為「A建築設計有限公司」。
A Design Architecture Limited was originally developed from "P+P/DG(構思設計集團)", which was founded in 1990 by Mr Jon Prescott, the former President of The Hong Kong Institute of Architects.
In 1995, the name of "New Design Company(新構思設計公司)" was changed by Ms. Mimi Cheung (張巧娟), the current director and architect of "A Design Architecture Limited(A建築設計有限公司)" founded in 2012.
Over the years, our company have overcome numerous obstacles yet constantly endeavor to provide total solutions for our services. We are well acquainted with Macau’s building code , local macro development, and proposing implement Green Building Design. With our effective and efficient project management, our team not only provide high quality services but also consume the less time for our clients to obtain the approval from the government.
We always strive for top service for various types of demands and frequently receive reputation in the design field, instead to put profit as our first priority. What we pursue is to earn clients’ trust for our professional performance and strong work ethic. So that it is what we gain our achievement from Macau’s related authorities and the provision of our ethical satisfaction of working, and our consciences to Macau’s social &natural environment.